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Product features

液晶顯示屏,圖像清晰。LCD dispaly, clear image.

電腦控制縫紉長度和針數。Computer-controlled sewing length and number of stitches.

伺服直驅電機帶動。Servo direct drive motor drive.

電腦控制倒回針距,機器針數。Computer-controlled back-tacking length and number of stitches.

起始倒回針及膝靠加固倒回針。Starting back-tacking, Ending back-tacking knee pedal.

更多縫紉花樣,可自行編程。More sewing patterns available, programmable.

轉角脫線裝置。Corner thread unhooking.

電腦程序控制針距。Computer-controlled stitch length.

可手動剪線,也可自動剪線。Manual or automatic thread trimmer.

采用鉤針方式,無需穿線,快捷方便。Hooked needle(no need threading).

可使用多種縫紉線。Various numberings of sewing thread accepted.

線跡按照需求可調整松緊。Thread tension is adjustable by requirement,adjust device.

縫制線跡可翻轉。Thread trace sewing can be inversed.

For specific product information, please call0577-61381358

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